Saturday, January 5, 2013

Pain Tolerance

Pain tolerance

Have you  ever wondered why there is so much emotional, mental, and spiritual pain in the world? Why husbands physically or emotionally abuse wives, mothers physically or emotionally hurt their children, pastors, priests or others in elevated positions in the church abnormally use - (abuse )their members? The list goes on and on! One thing we know for sure, pain in the natural is a warning sign. It tells us when we need to give further attention to something. This something could be constant headaches, which could be a precursor for a more serious condition such as a blood clot, or grossly elevated blood pressure! Mostly everyone has some sort of pain tolerance. Pain tolerance is the maximum level of pain a person is able to tolerate. Pain tolerance is very different than pain threshold, as threshold is the point at which pain can be felt.

Pain tolerance and threshold can address the physical, this posting addresses the emotional and spiritual aspects. The  categories listed above or even in our own lives in whatever capacity, our pain tolerance as individuals vary. Men and women have very different pain tolerances in comparison with each other. Overall Individuals in comparison with each other women to women, men to men, children an babies have different levels of tolerance. Strange things can happen to a person when emotional, or spiritual pain tolerance becomes warped, twisted, or damaged. The longer a person is exposed to hurtful things the more they build up a tolerance. This spiritual and emotional build up , this tolerance in which they have built up over time eventually has to be released. Once all The frustration, rage and emotional residue works its way out it has to go somewhere. Thus individuals begins to do things they would not normally do such as some of the aforementioned.  These writings are by no means an excuse to condone the abuse of anyone, absolutely not! It is merely an observation this writer has made and lived through.

The inflictor of the pain has been desensitized to the person the pain is being inflicted on. The transgressor has had a high " pain tolerance" from others who have inflicted it upon them. The individual in turn gives it out expecting others to have the ability to handle it, and they cannot. Their spiritual and emotional "pain threshold" which is the point at which pain can be felt is completely off.     The individuals defenses are completely down, they are desensitized unable to feel the pain they have inflicted on others and have repressed the pain that has been inflicted on them. This breeds and upholds extremely negative behaviors towards others when the individuals have not addressed it. If you are aware of someone practicing or on the receiving end of negative unbalanced emotional/ spiritual pain tolerance or abuse encourage them to seek help.

When our emotional and spiritual warning signs are activated we must take heed. Pain is a warning of   Something possibly worse coming down the pike! Stay in tune with God, and with the inner voice.
God has put this intuition in humankind for a reason.

Be aware , be in tune with your level of emotional and spiritual pain tolerance & pain threshold!

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